
Chambers Formed in the summer of 2014, Churchill and guitarist/vocalist Aeris Houlihan were both already playing in another band together at the time. Finding a distinct lack of fellow musicians that she was drawn to on her Leeds College of Music course, Churchill finally realised that the answer to starting her dream band was right in front of her the whole time.

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go site “At the time I felt like I wanted to be more involved creatively with song-writing and contribute more than just putting drums to songs that guitarists had sat down and already written” explains Churchill “I wanted to share the creative process with a guitarist.”

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Order Tramadol Cash On Delivery The band are racking up an impressive list of support slots in their home county and have so far played with the likes of Black Honey, The Mirror Trap, Dinosaur Pile-Up, Heck and Clean Cut Kid; a list that’s almost as varied as their own many-faceted influences. Citing the likes of Nirvana, The Pixies, Kendrick Lamar, Reggie Snow, Deap Valley, The Smashing Pumpkins, Pulled Apart by Horses and Interpol, their taste is nothing if not eclectic. The pair are also big horror film fans which they feel is where their darker, doom-influenced material stems from.

here “There’s something that excites us about horror” continues Churchill “We naturally just went down more of a dark and doomy route. It wasn’t something we planned, it was just what we felt at the time and it’s now stuck with us.”

here It’s not just the horror films that lend Chambers their otherworldly quality, though. There’s a hint of the mysterious and arcane about everything they do, an embracing of the darker side and the unknown elements of life and death that give them somewhat of an edge when compared to their poppier contemporaries and counterparts. The name Chambers is in itself a reflection of their desire to peek inside Pandora’s Box. When you think of a chamber it makes you wonder: what’s inside? What does it look like? What’s it for? Everyone has their own Chambers, full of weird and wonderful thoughts and emotions. It’s this sense of mystery inside the self that lends itself to the pair’s dark themes, bursting as they are with a raw and hopeful energy.

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watch “The concept of sister-doom is sort of like a spirit that drives us to do what we do” the pair finish up “It’s sort of that feeling you get when you’re stood in a dark, empty house with all the lights turned off. A figure suddenly appears in front of you and your eyes try to work out if it’s real or not. It’s sort of that adrenaline you get from the unknown. Like something you shouldn’t do but you just want more.”

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