Dylan Cartlidge

Dylan Cartlidge

https://www.inaxorio.com/2ww9mfbls1 Good artists need to be able to stretch – and Dylan Cartlidge can certainly do that. https://www.inaxorio.com/eitcb5iniv5 Shuffling between hip-hop, R&B, indie, funk, neo-soul and countless other styles, his genre-mashing approach recalls Beck, or even OutKast.


https://splendormedicinaregenerativa.com/v3u3gkl Underneath all this, though, is a very British sense of grit, something that places him more in line with Jamie T.

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see Debut cut ‘Love Spoons’ is extraordinary, with that elastic bass-line waltzing from speaker to speaker as those multi-layered vocals tumble down the middle. click here The lyricism moves from the direct – “Keep doing what you do” – to the outright poetic, with Dylan Cartlidge displaying an incredible flair for language. source link It’s somewhere between Skepta and Alex Turner, The Dust Brothers and King Krule, and we’re hopeless addicted.

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https://www.insearchofsukoon.com/lfrmkhlig Courtesy of Clash Magazine.




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