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Bizarre Fae

Bizarre Fae Bizarrefae is an anti-folk/electro-punk project, birthed somewhere deep within the heart of the woods to please the ears of the fae. They were raised by a very musical mother who influenced them to sing, dance and make as much noise as humanly possible to make themselves happy!

Tramadol Buying Online Legal Blessed with an incredible voice, a natural talent for song writing and creating infectious earworms, Bizarrefae jumps from genre to genre to allow themselves to tell their personal stories about pain, struggling with mental health issues and feminism that come from deep within their heart, writing about their deepest fears and brightest hopes. Music is their emotional outlet, using it as a therapy, pouring every ounce of emotion that is too strong to feel into the words they sing.

see Bizarrefae writes new material at an incredible rate and after only a few performances they have started to gain some excellent local attention. With beats from local producer Endoflevelbaddie, Bizarrefae owns the stage and captivates audiences whenever they perform.

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