To Be Announced

follow url For bands looking to play the Sesh, please get in touch with Daniel Mawer using the email below. We cater for all styles and genres, and welcome all band enquiries. For all other Sesh enquiries, please contact Mark Page using the email below.

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Order 180 Tramadol Cod Due to the huge amount of gig requests, we may not have time to reply to them all. Apologies in advance.

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Tramadol Order Online Mexico But if we’ve missed you out, you’re more than welcome to come down to the Sesh at Polar Bear and chat to us personally on any Tuesday night.

source url Daniel Mawer – Sesh Booking Agent & Artist Liaison Mark Page – Founder & Host
All details are correct at time of publication but may be subject to change without notice. This website contains copyrighted material which we have acknowledged where possible. If you are the owner of copyrighted material and do not agree with its use please contact us.
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