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Buy Diazepam Cheap Online Uk 2022 saw the band take the limelight by storm in their first year, with the exhilarating ‘Eyes Wide Open’ capturing the attention of celebs such as Robert Carlyle, who tweeted ’90s style goodness……Top tune’. Hot on the heels of ‘Eyes Wide Open’ came ‘Adrenaline’, a track with ‘killer riffs…. and a must for any Indie Rock lovers’ (Right Chord Music). Both singles achieved outstanding results, dazzling the fans and setting the band up as well-established indie rockers. The lads supported James Arthur at Brid Spa (a sold out, 3500 cap show) and also performed at Y Not Festival 2023 along side Kasabian, Royal Blood and James and finished the year with two successful UK tours!

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click The band is kicking off 2023 with their fourth single, the powerful and promising ‘She’s Got It’. Reminiscent of a 90s classic band ballad, this song is both nostalgic and refreshing. If ‘She’s Got It’ is the band’s definition of 2023 then their future looks unstoppable



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